**Author's Note**
Written by Silver Tiger-new address at

My thanks to Clearsky who helped to point out and give suggestions about some few incredibly stupid mistakes I made. ^_^ The lesson kids? Don't edit late at night! Trust me.
**Author's Note**

Come, play my game...
Inhale, inhale, you're the victim!
Come, play my game...

From "Breathe", by Prodigy

    Chapter 5

 Purple lightning lit up Megaframe's sky and a far too familiar voice chimed out its warning into the streets.
"Warning-Incoming game..."
 "No-another? That makes 3 this second!"
 The virus scowled at the vid-window's display. They had barely won the last game and now the thrice-cursed User had seen fit to download another. Only legions were allowed inside now. Megabyte could almost see why the guardians had been formed. Games were such unavoidable nuisances-not to mention deadly. The powers that were only *knew* how they had avoided nullification thus far. He had had to go into some himself! Dot was too valuable to "waste" chasing after cubes and so far the other sprites in Megaframe were barely adept at playing. It was times like these he wished Bob were still around to infect...
 But no. He couldn't start regretting things like that. It was over and the look on Bob's face as he was shot into the Web was one the virus would remember forever. Priceless.
Sitting on his throne Megabyte smirked proudly to himself. The guardian had really believed he would just help and then leave without taking advantage of the situation! Or perhaps the sprite just hadn't taken a virus as a serious enough threat compared to the Web at the time. Poor idiot. If he was alive Bob would surely be cursing himself long into whatever passed for night in the Web.

   *   *   *

 "Okay...tell me." Said Dot, taking off her glasses. "It's bad news isn't it?"
 "Uh..." replied the binome, semi-confused. "Well re-building level 31 is commencing, all communication is back up and the battle debris is being cleared...but..."
 "Go on." Said Dot wearily.
 "A loose horde of nulls are running around damaging equipment and getting in the crew's way."
 "What? Well why isn't there a containment crew on it?"
 "They're all busy ma'am." He stepped back, unsure of how Dot would react. It turned out to be a wise choice.
 Dot sat up and pushed her chair back violently. "But they were supposed to have it under control!" she said loudly, papers fluttering to the floor. "They said they'd be finished in no time!"
 The binome looked at her pityingly. "Did you hear that on a public news report?" he asked her.
 "Yes. Why?" Dot replied in between picking up a few papers.
 "It's all controlled. They probably don't want anyone panicking yet."
 "Oh for the love of-why does he even BOTHER?" She looked up at the ceiling and asked it rhetorically "Why can't I have access to what's really happening like in normal systems?"
 The binome, now thoroughly confused made a funny face. "Normal?" he asked.
 "Nothing. Never mind. Thanks for the report. You can go now." She sat down and pointedly opened a file.
 "Oh. Right." The soldier replied and backspaced out.
 Once he left Dot put down the folder. This meant she'd have to talk to Megabyte. Damn.

   *   *   *

 The virus was not pleased.
 "So...using game energy won't work anymore...all ports are sealed..." he paced back and forth slowly. "It's a most vexing problem."
 Herr Doktor just rolled his eyes and watched his Lord walk. The virus always liked an audience when he planned out loud. Megabyte would eventually come to a conclusion but in the meanwhile talked it out, supposedly with the people around but in reality with himself.
 They were in the core control chamber. A few engineer binomes huddled in the shadowy recesses of the room. They had been working on some final touches when Megabyte had stalked in with his entourage of higher-ranking virals. The builder's whispers came to them, carrying mixed hints of curiosity, fear and awe. The Doktor rolled his eyes again and scurried to catch up with his liege who had moved to the center of the room.
 "It's so *ridiculous*, isn't it?" Megabyte mused. He suddenly stopped and whirled around. The virus tilted his head up and appeared to be looking through the delicately etched ceiling. Everyone's eyes were on him, fascinated. He continued as if oblivious to everyone around him.
"I finally get *rid* of the guardian-after so many frustrating, thwarted attempts. And now because he's GONE I'm trapped here...with no way of accessing the Supercomputer." Megabyte lowered his head and shook it.
 "Such an ironic twist of fate." He started pacing again.
 "Ironic but not unwarranted." Thought the sprite who walked in and caught the last bit of dialogue.
Dot walked in. Apparently Megabyte had been so deep in thought the virus hadn't paid attention to her nearing thoughts in the recesses of his mind. The virus noticed then honored Dot's presence by inclining his head ever so slightly towards her.
 A trickle of whispering flooded the room then receded as Dot walked through the ranks. Holding her head high. Not breaking stride. Wearing a look of disdain.
 Acting as if she were *better*.
 The sounds of the virals became confused.
Dot didn't spare a glance at the room but made her way to Megabyte as if he were merely another annoying client to be dealt with. She had obviously found some vast inner reserve of fortitude to call on.
 "Excuse me...sir." She said, only the faintest of pauses after the first couple words. "But there's a small problem with sector 31."
 Megabyte shrugged slightly. "Yes?"
 "Nulls." She clipped of the end of her words as if satisfied in some way.
 Annoyance flickered across Megabyte's face and he sighed. "Then DEAL with it Ms. Matrix." He turned his back on her and gestured. "I'm afraid I'm busy with more pressing matters."
 "Like what?" Dot wanted to ask but kept to herself. She frowned and circled around at a distance to face him then continued "This SHOULD be a pressing matter. They're tearing up the lower city levels. They've been out of control ever since you off-lined Hex."
 The virus smiled a bit at that memory then said "And exactly whose problem would that be?"
 "Everyone's if the bottom of the city starts falling out from under us." Dot said in a chilly voice. "Although the news reports didn't exactly say the same thing. They were more along the lines of 'Everything is under control'."
 "It is, isn't it?"
 "IS it?"
 "*You're* on the job, aren't you?" Megabyte replied smoothly, adding a bit of oozing flattery. "I'm quite confident that the problem's nothing beyond your capabilities. Now if you'll excuse me I really must get back to work."
 He turned away and Dot knew she had been dismissed, if at least not too abruptly. She opened her mouth once as if to say something then stopped. She felt faintly flattered then bit her lip and a flush of anger came to her cheeks. Basic, she chided herself. As if he meant that. Megabyte was a master when it came to insincerity.
 Shrugging slightly she raised her head once again and walked out as disdainfully as she had come.

   *   *   *

 Actually, Megabyte mused, he HAD been more than a bit worried about the problem. But in his opinion appearing upset would have been too unseemly. It was so much easier giving several tasks pertaining to the problem to Dot until she was fed up enough to find a solution. A much more-subtle way of doing things. Also, far more entertaining.

   *   *   *

 Glass crunched underfoot.
 The tinkling, shining powder spilled out from under Dot's boot. Grimacing she stepped out of it and continued walking. The glass had been from a window torn out during reconstruction. The debris was by far the worst down here. She caught sight of the work crew and hurried up, almost glad to see them. It was far too empty in the lower levels to be comfortable.
 Dot had looked at the problem and logically decided to start at the source. Faint squeals floated over the rooftops as the high-pitched sound of Null swarms echoed weirdly in the alleyways.
Dot's pace increased even more.
 "Well?" She asked. "What's the news?"
 A binome stepped forwards and stated bluntly "We have six crews working down here. We need twelve."
 Dot briefly closed her eyes. Opening them she nodded. "I'll see what I can do." The binome who had spoken up nodded back in relief. He and the others knew how much authority Dot carried. "But-I was hoping to get a closer look at the problem."
 A few nervous glances.
 Dot's mouth quirked. People always seemed to worry about her. It was a bit touching.
 "Not exactly-well yes, but...if...something happens to you-"
 The touched feeling receding considerably. "You'd get in trouble." Dot finished slowly.
 The viral nodded wretchedly.
She gave the binomes the benefit of the doubt and assumed that yes, they were worried she might die. But they were obviously more concerned over what Megabyte would do to them if one of his main "assets" was lost. Sympathy and a trace of anger vied for dominance. It annoyed her but how could she blame them?
 "I promise if I'm in immediate danger I'll leave." She assured the spokesperson binome whose mouth was bent at the edges in uncertainty. Dot hoped she wouldn't have to command him to lead her. Then they'd have no choice. They would show her, not out of respect or fear but because they knew Megabyte had given her control. Naturally using power through him was a distasteful idea.
 "Follow me." The spokes-binome said heavily. Resigned to his fate he stepped on a zipboard and waited for Dot.
 "The rest of you continue cleaning up as best as possible." Dot said after mounting her own board and flying off. They shrugged as if that was the natural course they would have chosen anyhow and complied.
 Dot and the binome headed towards what she had been told was the largest concentration of nulls. As they flew without conversation she became aware of an unpleasant wailing noise just on the edge of hearing. Coming closer it became worse, jarring Dot in a way nothing else had these past minutes. Finally they crested over a collapsed building and the sight and sound momentarily stunned her.

*   *   *

 The virus stood up bolt straight with a start. Dot-something had happened to her. Something that had disturbed her incredibly.
 It had to be the nulls.
With a small smile he waited for her thoughts to clear into something more unpleasant than mere surprise.

   *   *   *

 Dozens, hundreds, THOUSANDS of nulls.
 The sound was incredible. All the teeming, wriggling THINGS together made a horrible cacophony of painful, pure, teeth grinding NOISE. They swirled around each other in a mad, pointless dance beyond a sprite's comprehension. Perhaps it was a result of a backlash of Hex's power, or perhaps the virus had held them all more in check than they had known. With sight and sound combined, it was the most single *disturbing* thing she had ever seen so far.
Dot's stomach churned and did a slow roll.
 Gaining her composure she backed away and motioned to the binome who had stayed behind the fallen structure. They flew without speaking until the noise dimmed considerably.
 Dot swallowed and took a deep breath. Letting it out slowly she nodded a bit and said, "Like I said...I'll try to get more help."
 The viral shrugged morosely and nodded back.

   *   *   *

 She typed and clicked away at filing a request for more cleanup crews in the sector. Thankfully the bureaucracy wasn't as bad as she had feared. Now after this she could take a small break. Dot stopped. "You're enjoying this too much." She thought. "Not enjoying really but you're much too tolerant of it. I suppose I've gotten-dulled to being viral over time." Set amidst the horror of the past minute the thought didn't have the staying power it would have earlier. It simply became another unsettling thought in a crowd of them.
 She rubbed a temple. At least Mainframe was being rebuilt, if not in the manner she would have wished. Standing up and yawning Dot prepared to leave-
 Oh no.
 "Incoming Game."
  Opening her organizer she saw that the cube was landing here. Dot closed her eyes and wondered if the User peered into her world and deliberately selected the worst place and times for games to fall. Steeling herself she waited for the cube to land.

   *   *   *

 The drip of water off the tips of stalactites filled the cavern with a strangely pleasing sound. The virus briefly closed his eyes and listened to it. Soothing in its way. Opening his eyes they flared green in the dim light.
 He stood on a wide ledge. Behind him was a wall, in front of him-a vast pit yawned open, the wall on the far side barely visible. Tiny archipelago islands of rock floated in the empty space, glistening treasure heaped up on their centers.
 Megabyte stepped closer to the edge. Experimentally he flipped a pebble down into the chasm. He didn't even hear it hit. The virus took a nonchalant step back, mildly impressed.
 "Don't fall in now." A sarcastic voice called out from behind him. Dot appeared out of the shadows, having rebooted into an outfit not unlike her regular soldier-style one.
 "'ve decided to grace me with your presence." Replied Megabyte, turning some of her sarcasm back at her. "I AM touched. any chance are you familiar with this game?"
 "The User moves from level to level seeking treasure. He needs to go through all of them I think so he'll pass us. Once he finds the last batch..."
 "Game over." The virus sighed. "Really how tiresome. I suppose this is a good a spot as any to wait for it."
 Dot shrugged and sat down against the farthest wall, drawing her knee's up. It was odd...she had been a level below him and yet the game put Megabyte and her on the same level. Gamespace was always slightly skewed.
 Megabyte looked at her from the side of his peripheral vision. Really, he hadn't had lately. And waiting was sure to get boring quite quickly. A small, cruel smile came unbidden to his lips. Well why not? She also seemed bored, after all.
 Megabyte gave a sigh just loud enough for Dot to hear.
 "Of course...Bob would have just gone after the User right away himself." He said. "It was unfortunate I never had a clear chance to infect him before the Web war. He would have been useful."
 Dot stopped idly tracing her finger in the sand on the cave floor.
 "I *would* have 'recruited' your brother...but he was far too young and quite frankly a touch too inept. Especially by himself. Without that wretched gamesprite friend of his he would have been deleted far earlier."
 He gave a slow, mock-sorrowful shake of his head.
 "He simply didn't hold up well under pressure I suppose. So *tragic* don't you think?"
 "Oh yes." Dot replied with no expression.
 " SHE could have been worth something. But we didn't-interface that well. She has the distinction of being the most tenacious, bothersome sprite I've ever met. Had I mean." He gave an apparently heartfelt sigh and continued. "It seems almost EVERY sprite I've met has been unsuitable or unavailable for infection in one way or another."
 Megabyte shrugged and turned towards Dot.
 "But then-there's you Dot." He stopped again, pretended to look at her critically then smirked.
 "So've worked out perfectly."
 Dot snapped.
 In all of a few moments she stood up and strode towards Megabyte, trembling, stopped a meter away from him and spoke.
 "Do you think this is a game? DO you? Let's see how much we can hurt Dot before she flips? Let me tell you I have NO idea what's driving this little getting off-on-my-pain thing but it's pretty sick. And you call yourself a *gentleman*? Why me? Why don't you torment some of your other lackeys?" Dot's voice steadily rose. "You have a whole system to choose from. You have THOUSANDS of people to pick but no, it's me! *Why* me? I could almost stand this if I knew why it was me! You should get a high off scarring all your other virals Megabyte! You could hurt ANYONE! So just tell me why you want to hurt ME! *WHY* ME? WHY IS IT ALWAYS *ME? WHY DO YOU ENJOY *MY* PAIN?!"
 The last sentence repeated over and over, echoed off the walls.
 Dot clenched her eyes shut and her fists at her sides. She had finished screaming her feelings. She had probably gone too far but she didn't care anymore. Numb, the sprite wondered what Megabyte would do to her. Maybe he would find a way to completely infect her or rip through her mind again or-
 *He touched her face.*
 It wasn't hard. Just the tips of his fingers brushing gently against her cheek. Dot slowly opened her eyes.
Megabyte had the most unsure, confused expression on his face.
 "I...have no idea." He muttered softly. "I mean...I've always rather liked you..." His perplexed thoughts passed from him through Dot like a wave...
 Jumping down from a rock-island above them, the User burst in. Decked out in a long coat and a hook attached to a rope for rappelling slung over his shoulder, he pulled out a gun.
 As if he just realized what he was doing, Megabyte snapped away his hand as if burnt. Dot merely stood there, stunned.
 "See you..." said the User, brandishing the weapon.
 The two blinked then came back to life. Dot dodged the shot aimed at her and fired a few rounds herself at the User. It stumbled, knocked near the ledge. Megabyte simply took a few steps over and shoved it backwards with one hand.
 "That was unfaaaaair..." it wailed as it fell.
 "Game Over."
 The cube departed. Megabyte and Dot reappeared in the throne room. They stood there awkwardly, neither of them knowing what in the Net to say. Finally Dot broke the tense silence.
 "Well I..." she said weakly. "I guess I have to get...back to work."
 "Do that." Replied Megabyte vaguely. They stood there for another moment before turning away. Neither tried to meet the other's eyes.
Chapter 6